WMIC For Incident Response

The Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line (WMIC) is a software utility that allows users to perform Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) operations with a command prompt.

The WMIC tool was introduced in Windows XP Professional and has been included in every version of Windows since. Furthermore, it can be used to manage every Windows version since Window 95, although 9x and NT require the Microsoft WMI Core add-on to be installed.

Using WMIC queries, incident responders can pull OS information, network information, running processes, running services, user account information, and other artifacts of evidentiary value from live systems.

In this post, I will discuss wmic commands I find very useful from a forensic standpoint.

WMIC Commands For Incident Response

To get information about the computer system under investigation.

wmic computersystem list brief

To get information about the operating system

wmic os list brief
wmic os get Version, Caption, CountryCode, CSName, Description, InstallDate, SerialNumber, ServicePackMajorVersion, WindowsDirectory /format:list
wmic os get CurrentTimeZone, FreePhysicalMemory, FreeVirtualMemory, LastBootUpTime, NumberofProcesses, NumberofUsers, Organization, RegisteredUser, Status


To obtain information about the CPU.

wmic cpu get processorID
wmic cpu List instance 
wmic cpu get Name, Caption, MaxClockSpeed, DeviceID, status

To find applications that start on boot

wmic startup get Caption, Command, Location, User


To retrieve BIOS information

wmic bios get smbiosbiosversion
wmic bios get name, version, serialnumber

 To get information about boot configuration

wmic bootconfig get BootDirectory, Caption, TempDirectory, Lastdrive

To find services that are set to start automatically

wmic service where StartMode="Auto" get Name, State


To get information about the hard disk drive

wmic diskdrive get Name, Manufacturer, Model, InterfaceType, MediaLoaded, MediaType

To get information about the partitions in the hard disk.

wmic logicaldisk get Name, Compressed, Description, DriveType, FileSystem, FreeSpace, SupportsDiskQuotas, VolumeDirty, VolumeName
wmic partition get Caption, Size, PrimaryPartition, Status, Type

To obtain information about disk quota

wmic diskquota get User, Warninglimit, DiskSpaceUsed, QuotaVolume

To obtain information about the Network Interface Card

wmic nic get AdapterType, AutoSense, Name, Installed, MACAddress, PNPDeviceID, PowerManagementSupported, Speed, StatusInfo

To obtain information about network configuration

wmic nicconfig get MACAddress, DefaultIPGateway, IPAddress, IPSubnet, DNSHostName, DNSDomain
wmic nicconfig get MACAddress, IPAddress, DHCPEnabled, DHCPLeaseExpires, DHCPLeaseObtained, DHCPServer
wmic nicconfig get MACAddress, IPAddress, DNSHostName, DNSDomain, DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder, DNSEnabledForWINSResolution, DNSServerSearchOrder
wmic nicconfig get MACAddress, IPAddress, WINSPrimaryServer, WINSSecondaryServer, WINSEnableLMHostsLookup, WINSHostLookupFile

To get information about CDROM

wmic cdrom get Name, Drive, Volumename


To obtain information about environment variables

wmic environment get Description, Name, SystemVariable, VariableValue


To obtain information about groups

wmic group Caption, InstallDate, LocalAccount, Domain, SID, Status

To get a list of IP interfaces

wmic nicconfig where IPEnabled='true'


To get information about the lists of all running processes

wmic process get Caption, CommandLine, Handle, HandleCount, PageFaults, PageFileUsage, PArentProcessId, ProcessId, ThreadCount
wmic process get name, processid, parentprocessid, executablepath

Analysing relationship between Process ID and Parent Process ID from the above commands can reveal malware.

To identify and analyse a particular process, say, svchost.exe typically manipulated by malicious actors

wmic process where (Name='svchost.exe') get name, processid, parentprocessid, executablepath

To get a list of all available attributes of all running process.

wmic process list full

To spot odd executables

wmic process WHERE "NOT ExecutablePath LIKE '%WINDOWS%'"

To obtain the executable paths of the above

wmic process WHERE "NOT ExecutablePath LIKE '%WINDOWS%'" Get ExecutablePath

To find the list of currently logged-on users.

wmic computersystem get name, username

To get a list of all users on the suspect system and their attributes.

wmic useraccount get Name, Domain, AccountType InstallDate, SID, Lockout


To determine the maximum RAM capacity.

wmic memphysical get Manufacturer, Model, SerialNumber, MaxCapacity, MemoryDevices


To determine where the pagefile.sys file is, along with some information about it.

wmic pagefile get Caption, CurrentUsage, Status, TempPageFile


To oobtain information about memory object caching system

wmic memcache get Name, BlockSize, Purpose, MaxCacheSize, Status

Identify any local system accounts that are enabled (guest, etc.)

wmic useraccount WHERE "Disabled=0 AND LocalAccount=1" GET Name


To obtain login information of users

wmic netlogin get Name, Fullname, ScriptPath, Profile, UserID, NumberOfLogons, PasswordAge, LogonServer, HomeDirectory, PrimaryGroupID

To get the number of logons of a user ID

wmic netlogin where (name like "%Joseph") get numberoflogons //replace Joseph with appropri user ID

To obtain information about network protocol

wmic netprotocol get Caption, Description, GuaranteesSequencing, SupportsBroadcasting, SupportsEncryption, Status

To find user-created shares (usually not hidden)

wmic share WHERE "NOT Name LIKE '%$'" get Name, Path

To obtain information about users accounts

wmic useraccount get AccountType, Description, Domain, Disabled, LocalAccount, Lockout, PasswordChangeable, PasswordExpires, PasswordRequired, SID


To retrieve information about the desktop

wmic desktop get Name, ScreenSaverExecutable, ScreenSaverActive, Wallpaper /format:list

To retrieve information about desktop monitor

wmic desktopmonitor get screenheight, screenwidth


For event log queries

wmic ntevent where (LogFile='system' and SourceName='W32Time') get Message, TimeGenerated 
wmic ntevent where (LogFile='system' and SourceName='W32Time' and Message like '%timesource%') get Message, TimeGenerated
wmic ntevent where (LogFile='system' and SourceName='W32Time' and EventCode!='29') get TimeGenerated, EventCode, Message

To obtain information about printers connected

wmic printer get DeviceID, DriverName, Hidden, Name, PortName, PowerManagementSupported, PrintJobDataType, VerticalResolution, Horizontalresolution

To obtain information about the registry

wmic Registry get CurrentSize, MaximumSize, ProposedSize, Status

To obtain information about system accounts

wmic sysaccount get Caption, Domain, Name, SID, SIDType, Status

To obtain information about time zone

wmic timezone get Caption, Bias, DaylightBias, DaylightName, StandardName

To obtain information about Memory chip

wmic memorychip get BankLabel, Capacity, Caption, CreationClassName, DataWidth, Description, Devicelocator, FormFactor, HotSwappable, InstallDate, InterleaveDataDepth, InterleavePosition, Manufacturer, MemoryType, Model, Name, OtherIdentifyingInfo, PartNumber, PositionInRow, PoweredOn, Removable, Replaceable, SerialNumber, SKU, Speed, Status, Tag, TotalWidth, TypeDetail, Version

This is by no means an exhaustive list of useful WMIC commands. You can do just about anything with it with respect to querying a machine or starting and stopping processes and services. The commands discussed here can be combined with those of an earlier post for a more robust incident response


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